What can we learn from small modifications and everyday resourcefulness around us?
What parallels could we draw between hacking in the digital and physical spaces?
How could the makeshift creations from others be inspiring for our own lives?
A hands-on, generative workshop that invites your participation on finding answers to these questions. We will draw inspiration from a resource of lo- tech hacking/making-doing gathered from Asia-Pacific, Europe and Mexico.
We will experiment with using them as tactics and tools in our daily lives; share our improvisations and try out some 3D-mapping-kinetic techniques.
Through all the doing and sharing, could we gain new ways of seeing and being with the worlds around us, virtual and physical?
To explore ways of drawing inspiration from the research of everyday resourcefulness.
To tell stories, from me and everyone present.
To make it so I ccould be surprised and learn from the people who come.
To explore resourceful ways of choreographing a situation where bodies are gathered in space.
The format was born out of reflections over existing presentation situations, serendipitous encounters and always evolving.
Possible Activities
'the brain is not a computer'
'the urban environment is only as it is, because it has been maintained to be so'
'I remember things like this from my grandparents, who lived in the countryside'
So Far:
two-day workshop for Grundklasse Design, by invitation of Valentina Karga, HFBK Hamburg, Oct 2018
Floating University Berlin, Open Weeks, September 2018
three making workshops Gartendeck St Pauli, Hamburg
with materials from the garden shed, autumn 2017 & 2018
two workshops with hackerspace Rancho Electronico, Mexico City, March 2017
three workshops with ZUsammenKUNFT/Campus Cosmopolis, Berlin, with children, 2017
artist’s talk and workshop at Leipzig International School, Leipzig, Dec 2016
a workshop at Gulaschprogrammiernacht (GPN) organised by Chaos Computer Club, at HfGK Karlsruhe, May 2017
FabCOOP unmaking space, Seoul, Korea, 2015
distracted workshop, a split/fountain project as part of the Off Programme at the 26th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno, Czech Republic, 2014.
Games Afternoon, RM, Auckland, 2014 (with Chris Berthelsen)